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How to Get the City to Install a Speed Bump

Speed bumps are bumps put into roads that force drivers to slow down. The purpose of a speed bump is to slow down traffic on streets, in parking lots and near schools. For the most part, the public chooses to request speed bumps for their neighborhoods in an effort to keep speeding drivers aware of their surroundings. Parents and people with animals are often the ones interested in obtaining speed bumps. While a speed bump will keep your street a little safer for your children, petitioning for installation is not as easy as it may seem.


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      Ask your neighbors whether they are willing to pay for a speed bump in your neighborhood. If they are not willing to participate in funding and you are adamant about having a speed bump placed on your street, you will have to fund the installation yourself.

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      Contact your city government office to obtain a request form for a speed bump. The requirements are different for every city, but most cities require occupants of a street to pay part of the cost of a speed bump.

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      Provide your name, address and the name of the street for which you are requesting a speed bump. Describe approximately where on the street you want the speed bump to go.

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      Submit your application to the city and wait until your request is reviewed. A survey of traffic volume on the street will be done to determine whether enough traffic drives down your street each day. The amount of traffic needed to approve a speed bump is dependent on the requirements in your specific city. Once the city has determined your street meets traffic requirements, a member of the city will go door to door collecting signatures in favor of the speed bump. Depending on your city's ordinances, a certain percentage of your neighbors must be in favor of the speed bump or it cannot be installed; some cities require 95 percent approval while others need just 80 percent. The exact number varies.

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      Submit your portion of the funding to the city. Even if the installation is approved, it will not begin until you have paid the balance for your portion of the installation. Once paid for, installation will begin.