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How to Repair a Weak Wooden Kitchen Chair

Wooden kitchen chairs can weaken over the years as the glue holding the joints together dries out. You can repair the chairs by removing the weak joints and regluing them, but it’s even better to reglue the joints before they cause the chair to weaken. Loose joints can impair the overall structure of the chair, causing it to be a potentially unsafe place to sit. The repair process is not difficult, but you must pay attention to detail. Remove the loose parts with care to avoid damaging the chair.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber mallet
  • Sandpaper, medium-grit
  • Bucket of warm water
  • Cotton swabs
  • Wood glue
  • Clamps
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      Inspect the chair for loose joints by moving your hands over the chair and trying to wobble the parts at each joint.

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      Tap the parts of the loose joints free with a rubber mallet. Be carefully not to strike the parts too hard to avoid damaging the chair. Separate the parts with your hands.

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      Sand the interlocking ends of each part with medium-grit sandpaper to remove all of the wood glue from the wood's surface.

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      Wet both ends of each part with warm water. Swab difficult to reach areas of the joints with a wet cotton swab. This will cause the wood to swell for a tighter assembly that will allow the glue to adhere better to the wood.

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      Apply wood glue to the ends of the parts and reassemble the chair. Use a cotton swab to apply glue to difficult areas of the joints.

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      Clamp the glued joints with clamps and allow the glue to dry for at least 24 hours. Remove the clamps.