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Do Cabinets Need End Panels?

Building a cabinet is more than simply cutting some wooden pieces and hammering them together using nails. If you are planning to build your own cabinets, you must familiarize yourself with a cabinet's panels and terminology. One of the elements is the end-panel, as it is highly visible after the construction is finished, unless the cabinets are built in between other cabinets or furniture. However, builders have several options when it comes to decorating or hiding the end-panels.
  1. Required End-Panels

    • The term “end-panel” is used to describe the side piece that indicates the end of a cabinet or a set of cabinet units. In other words, the end-panel also serves as the side panel of a cabinet. This means that the end cabinets have an automatic end panel, since the cabinet must have a closed side panel for a full frame. Depending on the kitchen design and layout, you may have both end-panels visible. You have several options in terms of what you wish to do with the end-panel.

    End-Panel Finishes

    • The end-panel is often just a flat surface that serves as the side panel in the cabinet’s frame. However, visible end-panels may be decorated to make it more visually appealing. For instance, you can paint the end-panel the same color as the remaining cabinets or add the same design or molding to the end-panel as the cabinet doors. Creating the same design on the end-panels as the cabinet doors provides consistency and cohesion in the room.

    End-Panel Shelves

    • Another option is to add end-shelving to the end-panels to provide additional storage options. These shelves are often 90-degree angles in the cabinet and wall corner and circular around the shelves’ edges. These end-panel shelving are common on both base cabinet ends and wall-mounted cabinet ends. In addition, these shelves take attention away from the end-panels if they are built with plywood or less than appealing wood sheets.

    Hiding End Panels

    • If you have no room for storage shelving, you can hide your end-panels by adding a flower or vase with decorations on the floor next to the end-panels. You can hang a painting to your upper cabinet’s end-panels, if you desire.