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How to Build a Folding Ladder Chair Stool

Folding ladder chair stools are a combination of a step stool and seat. They can offer extra seating in the workshop or craft room. The stools can also be conveniently folded up when not in use or provide space to display plants or other items. Make your own stool out of hardwood such as maple so that it will be durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of everyday use.

Things You'll Need

  • 4 boards, 2-by-2-inch, 18 inches long
  • Tape measure
  • 4 boards, 2-by-2-inch, 12 inches long
  • Trim head wood screws
  • Screw gun
  • 2 ladder hinges, with screws
  • Level
  • Jigsaw
  • 2 boards, 1-by-3-inch, 16 inches long
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    • 1

      Place two 2-by-2-by-18-inch boards parallel to each other on a work surface with one 2-by-18-inch side resting flat. Orient the boards horizontally lengthwise and space them 12 inches apart from the inside edges. Repeat this process with the remaining two 2-by-2-by-18-inch boards. Use a tape measure to accurately space the boards. Each pair of boards is a pair of legs for the project.

    • 2

      Insert one 2-by-2-by-12-inch board between each pair of legs at 6 and 12 inches up from the bottom end of the legs using a tape measure to ensure accurate spacing. These are the ladder rungs. They should run perpendicular to the legs and the 2-by-12-inch sides should rest flat against the work surface.

    • 3

      Drive two evenly spaced trim-head wood screws through the legs into the ends of each 2-by-2-by-12-inch rung using a screw gun to assembly the rungs to the legs.

    • 4

      Stand the leg assemblies upright. Center a ladder hinge on each side of the top ends of the assemblies. Position the hinges approximately 2 inches down from the top ends. Drive the screws that were included with the hinges through the mounting holes in the hinges into the sides of the legs using a screw gun. Open the legs up to fully extend the hinges.

    • 5

      Hold a level across the outside of the legs at the top ends on each side. Adjust the level until it gives a level reading while holding it parallel to the floor. Use the level as a straightedge to mark a level line on the top ends of the legs on each side of the assembly using a pencil.

    • 6

      Saw along the level lines with a jigsaw to cut the top ends of the legs off. This will enable the seat boards to rest flat when the ladder chair stool is fully opened. When it is closed, the boards will tilt at an angle. If you fail to cut the ends along the level line when the legs are fully extended, the seat boards will be tilted and uncomfortable to sit on.

    • 7

      Center one 1-by-3-by-16-inch board over the top ends of each leg assembly with the 3-by-16-inch sides resting flat. These are the seat boards. Drive two evenly spaced trim-head screws through the seat boards into the top ends of the leg assemblies with a screw gun.