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How to Remove the Disc & Spindle on a Sander

Bench sanders often include multiple sanders in a single appliance. The most common types of sanders included in a bench sander is the disc sander and the spindle sander. As you use the sander, the surface on the disc or spindle will begin to dull or may tear, at which point you must remove the disc or spindle to install a new one.
  1. Safety Precautions

    • Before disassembling the sander, always unplug the appliance from the wall outlet. This is essential to avoid electrocution, as well as to prevent injury caused by accidentally turning on the sander. Also, it is a good idea to wear hand protection, as the sander has many sharp components that may cut your hands or fingers.

    Disc Sander

    • A disc sander is a flat vertical surface that is used to smooth wood or plastic materials. The disc rotates either clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the make and model of the sander, and is ideal for sanding lightweight objects, as you must hold the object up to the sander to smooth.

    Disc Removal

    • The disc sander often has a table placed in front of it, which must be removed or displaced to remove the disc. The table is secured using bolts or wing nuts, and when loosened or removed, allow you to remove or displace the table. With the table removed or displaced, remove the disc cover screws and remove the disc cover, if applicable to your model. Once the disc is accessible, peel the disc, which is secured using adhesive backing, off of the disc plate.

    Spindle Sander

    • A spindle sander is a 360-degree vertical sander that is located on the top of a bench sander. The sander is used for both creating curves, straightening edges and removing saw marks. The benefit of a spindle sander is that it can be accessed from any angle, as the abrasive surface is exposed on all sides.

    Spindle Removal

    • To remove the spindle, it is necessary to have two open-ended wrenches. Under the spindle, use one open-ended wrench to grasp and secure the bolt on the bottom of the spindle. Use the other wrench to grasp the bolt on the drive shaft. Holding the drive shaft still, use the spindle wrench to loosen the spindle, rotating it counterclockwise, or clockwise, depending on the model of your sander. Continue rotating the spindle with the drive shaft secure to remove the spindle.