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Do Window Insulation Kits Work?

Window insulation kits are packages of large sheets of plastic and double-sided tape. These were created for homeowners to cover the windows with the plastic and make the home more energy efficient. If you live in a rather cold winter climate and are looking for inexpensive ways to save on your heating costs, this may be an option for you.
  1. The Kits Work

    • Yes, window insulation kits do work if installed properly. Purchase a high quality brand for best results. Some of the lesser quality brands give you plastic that is not as thick as the better quality. The thinner plastic will work, but not as well and it may not last as long as the thicker plastic. The thicker plastic can be saved and used from year to year. If you live in a climate that is not as cold as others, the thinner plastic will probably be sufficient for your home. Window insulation kits work especially well in older homes where the windows have a tendency to be a little less airtight than newer ones.

    Why They Work

    • Plastic that does not have any holes in it works as a barrier to prevent drafts from coming into your home. Drafty windows can raise the utility costs of an otherwise energy-efficient home. Windows are the spots in your home where the most heat is lost. By giving them an extra layer of insulation, you can lower your energy bills. The plastic provides the extra layer necessary to block drafts.


    • One of the keys to installing the window insulation kits is to completely cover the window, including the entire window casing. On a breezy day, stand near the window, and put your hands up at the sides of the window casing. You will notice that this is one of the areas that allows cold breezes to enter into your home simply because of the necessary construction of the windows into the walls. Completely cover the window with the plastic, and use as much of the tape as necessary along the edges of the plastic. Gaps in the tape will still leave space for drafts.


    • Caulking around your windows before installing the insulation kit will further help in creating a warm home. Look for any gaps between the window casing and the wall, and fill it in with caulk. Allow the caulk to dry overnight before hanging the plastic on the window. Use a blow dryer to shrink-wrap the plastic. Blow drying the plastic at a medium to high temperature will shrink the plastic, giving it a more airtight seal and also makes the plastic fit rather tightly against the window, making the plastic almost invisible to your guests. If you do not want to have the plastic on the inside of your home, you can hang the plastic outside. Again, cover the window and the window casing completely. Hang the insulation kit on a dry, sunny day for best results.