Home Garden

How to Keep Sweat From Windows

Sweating windows are common during the winter months, and for some homes, the problem lasts only a couple weeks after turning on the heat. For others though, window condensation is a daily battle during cold weather. Window condensation is caused when the moist, warm air in your home comes in contact with the cold window surface. Unfortunately, the excessive sweat can damage the sills and walls over time. Instead of replacing your windows with double or triple pane windows, you can adopt a few habits to prevent or reduce window condensation.

Things You'll Need

  • Dehumidifiers
  • Vents
  • Fans
  • Vapor barrier
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      Reduce moisture in your home. For example, shut off any humidifiers and run dehumidifiers instead. Take shorter showers and always use the exhaust fan when showering. Cover cooking pots when cooking and install a vapor barrier in your crawl space if there is none.

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      Increase air flow in your home to help even out the heat in the home, especially if you use a woodstove. Run the fan on a central air, furnace or heating unit, for three or four hours a day if possible. Turn on ceiling fans to circulate air too.

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      Exhaust the moist air out of your home. For example, make sure your dryer vents to the outdoors. That air is very moist. An attic vent also helps remove moisture from the home. Hire a professional to install vents -- such as in your laundry room, attic, kitchen and bathrooms -- if necessary. You can also open your windows and outside doors for three or four minutes each day. According to Zolton Cohen of the Grand Rapids Press, this lets out excessive moisture and heat loss is minimal.