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How to Change Pins on a Kwikset Doorknob

When needing to replace a broken Kwikset doorknob or upgrade to newer, more stylish Kwikset door hardware, you can change the pins on the doorknob to work with your existing keys, rather than change the locks on your home or make sure everyone in your family has a new key. It can take several attempts to become proficient at changing the pins on your doorknob. Knowing how to change the pins in your Kwikset doorknob allows you to use a single key for every lock in your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Kwikset Rekeying Kit
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  1. Key Gauging

    • 1

      Determine the key-cut combination by inserting the new Kwikset key into the plastic key gauge at the zero mark on the gauge. Hold the key by the handle and make sure the key is pushed all the way into the gauge.

    • 2

      Slide the key from right to left until the key stops beneath a number and can’t be moved any further. Make a note of the number where the key stops. These numbers correspond to the pins you need to use when changing the pins and rekeying the lock.

    • 3

      Repeat the process, but only insert the key up to the second notch cut in the key. Each Kwikset key has five notches cut into the key at different heights. The first notch closest to the handle is the first cut, and the fifth cut is the one closest to the tip of the key.

    Changing Pins

    • 4

      Remove the new knob from the packaging. Pull the two sides of the knob apart. Set the side of the knob without the lock cylinder aside.

    • 5

      Rotate the round spindle in the center of the knob until the tab on the spindle lines up with the opening in the base of the knob and sits perpendicular to the half-round tube the spindle sits in. The round spindle is the longest piece of metal protruding from the knob base.

    • 6

      Insert the cylinder removing tool’s pointed end beneath the tab located between the bottom of the spindle and the top of the stem. The cylinder removing tool is a 6-inch, flat piece of metal with a point on one end and a notch at the other. The bottom of the spindle is the area that sits in the half-round tube. The stem is where the screws insert when the knob is installed in a door.

    • 7

      Apply pressure to the area on the knob beneath the tab with the cylinder removing tool. Tilt the knob down until the round spindle slides from the knob, leaving the half-round tube attached to the knob base and an opening in the base where the spindle was installed.

    • 8

      Slide the notched end of the cylinder removing tool down the half-round tube and into the opening in the base of the knob. You need to insert the removal tool at a slight angle to pry the spring housing up slightly on the base of the knob that holds the half-round tube to the knob.

    • 9

      Hold the lock side of the knob in one hand with your hand covering the lock in the center of the knob. Push the cylinder removing tool all the way into the knob. The pressure on the cylinder removing tool releases the two springs holding the cylinder in the knob and allows it to slide out of the knob and into your hand.

    • 10

      Position the notched end of the cylinder removing tool against the two ends of the C-clamp retainer on the end of the cylinder between the two springs. Push on the clamp to release it from the cylinder. Use the pointed end of the cylinder removing tool to pry the clamp from the cylinder if necessary.

    • 11

      Insert the key that came with the Kwikset doorknob lockset into the key side of the cylinder. Turn the original key one-quarter turn to the left or right.

    • 12

      Position the solid end of the plug follower over the back end of the cylinder, opposite of the inserted key. The plug follower is a white, 3-inch-long tube with two notches cut in one end of the cylinder.

    • 13

      Push the plug from the cylinder using the plug follower while holding the key in position with one hand. Apply gentle, steady pressure against the plug as you slowly push the plug from the knob. Continue to push on the plug follower until about 1 inch of the tool is visible on the key side of the knob and the plug releases from the cylinder.

    • 14

      Dump the original pins from the plug and remove the original lockset key. Discard the old pins. Choose the new pins from the Kwikset rekeying kit that correspond with the notches in the new key you noted when gauging the key. Keep the pins in the proper order, from the pin closest to the key handle to the tip of the key. Ensure the new pins sit flush with the exterior of the plug.

    • 15

      Insert the new key into the plug. Start with the pin opening in the plug closest to the key handle. Place each pin in the plug in order.

    • 16

      Line the plug with the new pins installed up with the plug follower sticking out from the cylinder. Turn the key one-quarter turn to the left or right. Slowly and carefully push the rekeyed plug back into the cylinder.

    • 17

      Hold the key side of the plug in the cylinder with your thumb. Turn the key to where it lines up with the spring cover on the back of the cylinder between the two cylinder springs. Carefully remove the key, keeping your thumb on the plug.

    • 18

      Replace the C-clamp retainer on the end of the cylinder. Reinsert the key and ensure it lines up with the spring cover at the top of the cylinder.

    • 19

      Insert the cylinder back into the Kwikset door knob. Push on the cylinder until you hear the cylinder springs click into place. Push the round spindle back into the base of the knob until it clicks. Turn the key back and forth several times to ensure the pins are in the proper position and the knob locks and unlocks.