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Why Does it Look Like the Glass Inside My Dual Pane Windows Is Scratched?

The double pane window is a recent development in window technology that helps to insulate homes against energy loss. These windows use two panes of glass with a layer between them to provide a cushion of insulation. Occasionally, homeowners may find scratches inside the dual panes of glass that detract from the appearance of the windows. This problem can be remedied with a number of techniques.
  1. About Dual Pane Glass Windows

    • Traditional single pane windows contain only one pane of glass. This structure makes it easy for heat to transfer out of a warmed room and for cold to enter from the outside. A double pane window contains two sheets of glass that are held ½ to ¾ inch apart with placers. These devices allow a layer of air, or sometimes argon gas, to sit between the two panes, creating a sort of “thermos bottle” that keeps more warm air in and cold air out of the room.

    What Causes Scratches in Double Pane Windows

    • Occasionally, small bits of debris can become lodged between the sheets of double pane glass. These bits can look like small scratches or pits in the glass. Other times, construction debris can drift into the space between the panes and cause abrasions in the surface of the glass. Another source of scratches on double pane windows occurs when the homeowners clean them while wearing jewelry. They may inadvertently scratch the glass without being aware of it.

    Removing Scratches in Double Pane Windows

    • To remove bits of dirt and debris from between the panes of glass, remove the seal from around the frame and allow some water to gently rinse the debris away. If a scratch is on the interior of the glass itself, remove the pane from the spacer -- retaining the spacer for later replacement in the frame -- and rub the scratch with a glass abrasive product such as Rare Earth, according to the HallsWindowCenter website. This type of material is used for removing scratches from jewelry and delicate glassware.

    Proper Maintenance of Double Pane Windows

    • Drilling a small, 1/8-inch hole into the window frame will allow condensation to escape and allow the insertion of a small rubber tube that will rinse the inner chamber of the window with water to remove small bits of material and grime. The holes can then be sealed after drying, with a bit of putty or plastic tape. Avoid using razor blades to remove debris from the surface of glass. This action can cause scratches in the surface that may be permanent. If the scratches are so deep as to inhibit clear vision through the window, replace the pane of glass.