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How Long Does It Take to Replace a Casement Window?

Casement windows are those that are hinged on one side, unlike awning windows that are hinged at the top or hoppers hinged at the bottom. Casement windows are found installed singularly or in a pair, and open out rather than up or down. The total time to replace a casement window varies based on your level of experience and handiness.
  1. Hinge Pins

    • Casement windows are hinged to the sash with screws or pins. Open the window to gain access to the screws and then remove each with a flathead screwdriver. To remove the pin, wedge the tip of a flathead screwdriver beneath the top ball of each pin, and push it out of the hinge. No longer than one minute is required to remove each screw or pin. For stubborn pins, spray on oil lubricant to loosen it up for removal. Once loose, remove the window from the frame.

    Remove Window Stops

    • The window stops must be removed before pulling off the window sash. This is not necessary for all casement window replacements. To remove the stop, wedge the head of a metal putty knife between the stop and sash. Hit the end of the putty knife with a hammer to free the stop and then pull it off. Removing an entire window stop can take 20 to 30 minutes.

    Removing the Sash

    • The sash, often made of metal, must be replaced along with the old window. Use the same tools and techniques to remove the sash as with the stop. Removing the sash takes 10 to 15 minutes.

    Install New Casement Window

    • Fit the new casement window into the space from the outside of the building. Newer casement windows come with the sash already in place. This saves time since you won't need to install a sash separately. Set the bottom of the window on the outer edge of the window seal and push the rest of the window into the space.

      Push the bottom of the casement window into position and let go of it once in place. Insert shim guards in the bottom corner of each side to ensure the top of the casement window is firmly in position. Fitting the new casement window takes 10 to 20 minutes.

    Insulation and Finishing

    • Tuck the insulation in between the casement window sash and frame using a putty knife. Installing insulation takes 10 to 20 minutes. After the removal of the sash, there may be some chipped paint or damaged material that will require refinishing. Depending on the complexity of the job, this could add 20 to 60 minutes for fixing damage.