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Why Does Thermal Pane Glass Crack?

Thermal pane glass pieces are tempered to withstand extreme temperatures and increase energy efficiency in the home. They are vulnerable, however. Thermal pane glass is susceptible to admitting moisture in the panes, which can cause cracking. A fogged or cracked thermal pane glass will need to be replaced as soon as possible to avoid future damage and energy leaks.
  1. Extreme Temperature Changes

    • While it is a true that thermal pane glass windows withstand extreme temperature either inside or outside, too many of these extremes will begin to weaken the glass over time. Extreme temperature changes occurring in relatively short periods of time will eventually cause the panes to crack. The only way to fix a thermal pane glass that has become broken is by replacing it.

    Temperature Variations

    • Depending on the size of the thermal pane glass, temperature variations are possible. When panes are larger in expanse, temperature variations across the pane are common. Such temperature variations cause the glass to weaken, resulting in a cracked or broken thermal pane glass. While the differences need to be vast and extreme for this to happen, this is a possible cause of cracked thermal pane glass.

    Broken Seals

    • Broken seals in thermal pane glass windows result in condensation fog in between the panes. A broken seal cannot be resealed. The space found in between thermal pane glass is used as an insulator. The quality of insulating glass technology plays a big role in the longevity of the seal. Higher quality insulated glass windows are completely sealed using a stronger grade of glass, and also have inert gasses such as argon in between the panes. They also use a micron or other kind of metal inside the pane as a reflector for the sun’s rays. This construction helps keep moisture out and avoid cracking.


    • Many window options are available, which can cause confusion for consumers. Before purchasing or replacing any cracked thermal pane glass, compare window options and service companies. Some local companies offer thermal pane window replacement, but make sure to find out about their warranty options. In general, it is better to replace the entire window than just the broken pane because it is very likely that the other pane glass will also crack.