Home Garden

How to Get Bay Windows to Close Tightly

Manually closing bay windows is not the only way to ensure a tight seal. Adjusting the hardware securely and cleaning dirt and residue from the windows are other ways to close them tightly. Loose hardware allows air in and loosened locks or cranks may affect the window's operation. Dirt and other residue can build up around the window and frame preventing it from sealing completely. Bay windows consist of different styles including casement and double-hung options. The method used to close, clean and adjust the windows varies by the type.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Bucket
  • Mild liquid detergent
  • Soft cloths
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      Tighten the screws in the handles and on the locks. Some windows come with adjustment inserts on the hinges; these adjust the sash if the home settles and the window does not close or otherwise work properly. Make adjustments on the inserts as recommended by the manufacturer.

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      Open the windows. Fill a bucket with warm water and a few drops of a mild liquid detergent. Clean underneath and on all sides of the windows with a soft cloth. Clean the inside of the frames. Dry the windows with a cloth.

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      Rotate the crank to pull the windows in or push the windows down. Move the crank until you meet resistance. Push the window down until it moves no further. Move the window lock to the closed position. On windows with two locks, engage the lower lock first.