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How to Disassemble Insulated Glass Panels

No matter how careful you are, accidents are bound to happen and windows are going to break. When this happens to the insulated glass panels in your windows, you don’t necessarily have to call a repair person to disassemble glass panes to fix them. Even though gaskets within the window frame protect the R-value of the insulating glass, the gaskets are easy enough to remove so you can replace insulating glass yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Pry bar
  • Screwdriver
  • Small block of wood
  • Hammer
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      Remove the window sash with the broken glass from the window frame. Depending on the window type, you may need to pry off the window’s molding with a pry bar. Set the molding aside so you can replace it when you fix the window.

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      Remove the screws holding the window sash in place from opposite corners of the window. By leaving diagonal corners in place, it’s easier to keep the window sash corners square when you put it back together again. Set the sash components aside.

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      Place a small block of wood against the exposed window frame. Gently tap against the wood with a hammer to loosen the frame’s gasket from the window glass.

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      Pull the gasket away from the broken glass section. You are now ready to insert new insulated glass panels into the gasket and reassemble the window.