Home Garden

Repairing Sagging Double-Hung Entry Doors

Double-hung entry doors provide a grand entrance to your home unless they are sagging due to age or other factors. These doors are often heavy and frequent use loosens the screws holding the hinges in place over time. Repairing the sagging is not an arduous job and many homeowners can do the task themselves with basic tools and little time. This is important to add curb appeal to your home and also to ensure the doors operate efficiently when closing, opening and locking them.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • 2-1/2-inch screws
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  1. Tightening Double-Hung Entry Doors

    • 1

      Grab a screwdriver and use it to tighten all the hinge screws in the entry door jambs. Using an electric screwdriver may result in stripping the existing screws that hold the doors in the frame.

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      Repeat the tightening of the screws on the hinges that hold the actual doors. This lifts the heavy, double-hung entry doors upright slightly and enables them to operate more efficiently.

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      Check how well the doors work by opening, closing and locking them with the key. They should not sag any longer if the adjustment is successful.

    Strengthening the Hinges

    • 4

      Strengthen the hinge area of the double entry doors by removing the screw that is in the center of the top hinge.

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      Replace the existing screw with one that is at least 2 1/2 inch long. Place it in the hole at a slight angle. This provides added strength that is necessary for this type of heavy door.

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      Reinforce stripped screw holes if necessary. Do this by coating broken toothpicks with wood glue and inserting them into the hole. Wait for the glue to dry completely before adding the new screw.

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      Place another 2 1/2-inch screw in the center of other entry door's top hinge.

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      Tighten all the existing screws in the door jamb and tighten the ones in the hinge that connects to each of the double-entry doors. This reinforces the hinges, allowing them to hold the double stores up correctly within the frame.