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Non-Chemical Methods for Removing Wallpaper

Removing wallpaper takes time and effort. Most wallpaper removal products contain chemicals to which you are exposed for as long as it takes to remove the wallpaper. If you're sensitive to chemicals or would rather not introduce them into your home environment, you can remove wallpaper with a non-chemical method instead.
  1. Removing Wallpaper With Steam

    • A scoring tool helps steam get behind wallpaper.

      One of the most effective ways for breaking down an adhesive surface is to use moist heat, or steam. Steam machines provide an effective, non-chemical wallpaper removal method. Wallpaper that's old and probably really stuck on benefits from being scored first, so the steam can get through the holes and behind the wallpaper where the adhesive lies. You can also use a stiff, wire brush, as long as you don't scratch the surface of the walls. Once the wallpaper is scored, hover the steam machine over the wallpaper, moving it slowly. The steam will cause the wallpaper adhesive to loosen, allowing you to peel the wallpaper off in strips. Any strips of wallpaper that remain should be steamed again, for a longer period, to loosen stubborn adhesive.

    Removing Wallpaper With Fabric Softener

    • Fabric softener has oils and other ingredients that soften clothing and fabric. Those oils help break down wallpaper adhesive so you can remove the wallpaper. If wallpaper is old or really stuck on, removing it will be easier if you score or perforate the wallpaper first, using a perforating tool. Once the paper is perforated, a mixture of 1/3 cup fabric softener and 2/3 cup warm water is sprayed on the wallpaper and allowed to sit for 15 minutes to moisten and loosen the wallpaper and wallpaper adhesive. Stubborn areas of wallpaper can be tackled with straight fabric softener. Fabric softener will not harm the walls as it is easy to clean off with a damp sponge.

    Removing Wallpaper With Vinegar

    • Vinegar is one of nature's most useful cleaning products. This product, often associated with cooking or salad dressing, helps remove wallpaper without chemicals by softening the adhesive, making it easier to peel off the wallpaper. Combine 1 cup white vinegar with 1 cup hot water and apply the solution to the wallpaper, liberally, with a sponge. After letting the vinegar solution soak into the wallpaper for 10 to 15 minutes, peel the wallpaper off the walls. If any stubborn, stuck-on pieces of wallpaper remain, treat them a second time with the vinegar solution. The vinegar works to soften the wallpaper adhesive so the paper can be peeled off.