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How to Patch Torn Sheetrock

Sheetrock repairs can become costly when hiring a professional to complete them. Many of these repairs, though, can be completed in your spare time without hiring outside help. Repairing torn Sheetrock, with or without small gouges or holes, can be done without the need to patch in new sections. If the holes are about an inch or more in size, a different method is required. Follow some simple steps in repairing torn Sheetrock and you will eliminate bubbles, separation of the joint compound and cracks in the repaired surface.

Things You'll Need

  • Zinsser GARDZ drywall sealer
  • Paint stirrer
  • Joint compound
  • Putty knife
  • Damp sponge
  • 80 grit sand paper
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    • 1

      Remove any loose Sheetrock paper or chunks of drywall from the damaged area, then sand gently using 80 grit sand paper to remove torn paper fuzz from the surface of the sheet rock.

    • 2

      Mix GARDZ sealer thoroughly using a paint stirrer, then apply liberally to the torn area and exposed drywall using a paint brush. Allow three hours to dry.

    • 3

      Apply a thin coat of joint compound to the sealed area using a putty knife, also filling any gouges so they are level with the surface around the the hole. Allow to dry. Gouges will require drying time overnight. If only a thin skim coat is required, it will dry within three hours.

    • 4

      Apply a second skim coat of joint compound to the area being repaired and allow to dry. The joint compound shrinks when dried. A second coat will fill in any low spots that would ordinarily be visible with only one application.

    • 5

      Lightly sand the area using a damp sponge to level any spots that are slightly higher and blend the repair into the remainder of the wall. Use long sweeping motions with light pressure.

    • 6

      Apply a second coat of GARDZ to seal the repaired surface and allow to dry.

    • 7

      Paint the repaired area as desired.