Home Garden

How to Remove Bricks Facing the Exterior

Brick, whether on the outside of your home or the front of your fireplace, has a tendency to fade, crack or chip. There are times when it is necessary to remove one or multiple bricks either for replacement or removal entirely. While replacing a brick is faster than removing an entire brick structure, it is important to not damage the bricks or the surface behind the brick, especially if you intend to reuse it.

Things You'll Need

  • Safety goggles and mask
  • 4-inch right-angle grinder
  • Diamond masonry blade
  • Chisel
  • Hammer
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      Place safety goggles on to prevent dangerous brick or mortar debris from entering your eyes. An N95 mask is optional to protect your lungs from inhaling mortar or brick dust.

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      Equip a right-angle grinder with a diamond masonry blade, which you can purchase at a local home improvement store.

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      Start grinding 2-inches deep into the mortar on all four sides of the brick. Do not grind into a nearby brick unless you intend to replace or remove it as well. Work your way from a corner piece one-by-one to the center if removing an entire wall. Remember that corner pieces are easiest to start because you do not have to break the brick in order to reach behind it.

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      Place a chisel into the grooves cut by the grinder. Tap the end of the chisel with a hammer to loosen the brick from the mortar on the sides and from behind. Wedge the chisel in between the brick and existing mortar and begin a light tapping until the brick comes free.

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      Chisel away excess mortar left from where the brick sat to make way for a new brick or for acid-wash cleaning later.

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      Repeat the process for the remaining bricks.