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How to Fix a Crack in the Corner of the Room With Joint Compound

Cracks can occur anywhere in a room, but the corners are especially vulnerable. The two pieces of drywall that create a corner do so at an angle which provides more opportunity to crack than elsewhere on the wall. If cracks are not repaired, they can lead to further deterioration of the drywall. You can repair a crack in the corner of a room using joint compound and a technique which can be acquired fairly quickly.

Things You'll Need

  • Utility knife
  • Joint compound
  • Drywall pan
  • 6-inch drywall knife
  • Drywall sanding sponge
  • Paint
  • 2-inch paintbrush
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      Scrape off any loose drywall from the crack using a utility knife. Use the side of the knife's blade to gently remove the loose drywall to give the repair the best chance of success.

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      Fill a drywall pan halfway with joint compound and dig some out with a 6-inch drywall knife. Scrape the knife on the side of the pan to remove excess joint compound. The goal is to have a 1-inch bead of joint compound on the edge of the knife and nowhere else.

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      Apply joint compound onto the damaged area using the knife at a low angle to the surface to smooth it over the crack. Use the knife at more of an angle to the surface to scrape off excess joint compound. Work the joint compound into the area to ensure it fills it in completely. Drag the knife over the joint compound to make it as smooth as possible. Let the joint compound dry for 24 hours.

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      Sand the repaired area using a drywall sanding sponge. Even out high areas such as ridges or bumps in the joint compound by lightly moving the sanding sponge back and forth over the area. If low areas exist, apply more joint compound and sand again after it dries. The goal is to make the surface as natural looking as possible.

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      Paint the repaired area using a 2-inch paintbrush and paint that matches the rest of the wall.