Home Garden

How to Make Spackling

Spackle is a substance used to fill imperfections, scratches or holes in drywall or plaster-based walls. Home improvement and hardware stores sell pre-made spackle, but if you only need a small amount, it is possible to mix up a homemade version from things around the house. Both purchased and homemade spackle compounds dry quickly when exposed to the air, so it is best to make only as much as needed and use it promptly on repairing the wall.

Things You'll Need

  • Tablespoon
  • Cornstarch
  • Salt
  • Spoon
  • Putty knife
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
  • Paint
  • Paint brush
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    • 1

      Measure out two tablespoons of cornstarch and place it in a bowl. Add two tablespoons of salt and stir the two together with a spoon.

    • 2

      Add a tablespoon of cold water and stir it into the mixture. Continue pouring an additional four tablespoons in the same manner (two of cornstarch, two of salt), pausing to stir each into the bowl before adding the next.

    • 3

      Examine the spackle mixture. The desired consistency is a thick, creamy paste. If it is still soupy, add another tablespoon of salt and another of cornstarch to thicken it up. If it's too thick, add another tablespoon of water.

    • 4

      Spread the spackle onto the wall with a small putty knife. Put on more than is needed, and then drag it across the wall to get the excess off and the hole or scratch fully filled. Repeat this with all areas requiring the filler. Leave the spackle to dry for two hours.

    • 5

      Sand the spackled areas lightly with a piece of fine-grit sandpaper. Sand off and smooth the excess spackle around the repaired wall. Paint the repair with a touch-up coat of the wall coloring, or cover the entire wall with a new coat of paint.