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Can I Strip the Vinyl Coated Wallboard in My Mobile Home?

Several mobile home owners are confronted with the dilemma of removing or revamping their outdated vinyl-coated wallboards. The wallboards are actually drywall that is covered with vinyl paper of varying thicknesses, creating an inexpensive wall covering that resists mold growth and moisture damage. There are several points to consider before redoing your mobile home’s vinyl wallboards.
  1. Stripping With Heat

    • In order to resist moisture penetration, the paper used to cover wallboards is coated with a thin layer of vinyl. This is ideal when the paper is new, but creates a unique problem once it’s time to renovate the space. Traditional, untreated wallpaper is generally removed with several solvents, or homemade concoctions, that aren’t effective on vinyl-coated wallboards. The most viable option to remove the vinyl paper is heat. Cut thin slits into the vinyl coating with a scoring tool, available at hardware and home improvement stores, to expose the adhesive below the paper. Follow up by heating the paper with a heat gun or blow dryer to loosen the adhesive, which allows you to remove the vinyl coated paper.


    • Removing vinyl coating is a labor-intensive, potentially costly undertaking. The combination of the thick paper and vinyl coating used to create the decorative wall covering creates a formidable obstacle that, once removed, causes potential damage to the drywall underneath. Many times the damage caused by removing the vinyl covering is extensive enough to warrant replacing the drywall all-together. Weigh your options, which are discussed below, before removing the vinyl coating.

    Painting Wallboard

    • Clean the wall with a mixture of one part tri-sodium phosphate, or TSP, and five parts water to remove any grease, grime or dirt from the vinyl wall covering. Cover the wallboard with a high-adhesion, oil-based primer. This is crucial to ensure the primer adheres to the slick vinyl surface. Allow the primer to dry according to the package directions before applying the paint of your choosing.

    Additional Options

    • Explore these other avenues before attempting to strip the vinyl wallboard in your mobile home. One option is applying a new layer of wallpaper. As with painting, the walls must be cleaned and covered with a high-quality primer and paint to ensure the wallpaper adheres effectively. Another alternative to removal is installing a new layer of sheetrock over the wall. This allows you to completely conceal the vinyl and create a smooth, finished appearance. However, sheetrock installation is labor intensive and creates less useable space in the room.