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How to Reinforce a Load Bearing Wall

Load bearing walls are support elements that take the weight of the structure above. Load bearing walls are present in the foundation and throughout the interior of the home, and they are typically constructed of concrete or concrete block. When making a load bearing foundation wall, steel is used to reinforce the building materials and increase the load rating of the wall, as well as increase its durability. The process of reinforcing load bearing concrete walls requires some basic masonry skills.

Things You'll Need

  • Steel rebar
  • Concrete mix
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      Insert steel rebar into the top row of blocks in your load bearing concrete block wall. Concrete blocks are hollow, with two solid sides and two open ones. When making the wall, blocks should always be stacked with the hollow sides up and down.

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      Slide two lengths of steel rebar into each block opening once the top row of blocks has been laid and the mortar in the wall has dried and set sufficiently. Work the rebar side to side until it reaches the bottom of the wall. Use your hammer or small sledge to drive the bars downward until they reach the foundation below.

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      Pour concrete into the openings in the block at the top of the wall. Fill each space completely so that the concrete runs all the way down and locks the steel and the concrete blocks together in one solid piece.

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      Allow the concrete to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions.