Home Garden

About Automatic Foundation Vents

So you've figured out that your termite problem stems from the fact that you don't maintain something that you didn't even know you had: foundation vents. One solution, you may have been told, was to install automatic foundation vents, thereby saving you the hassle of maintenance. Now that you want to learn more about automatic foundation vents, read on.
  1. Function

    • When a home's foundation -- which is, of course, critical to the integrity of the structure itself -- is not sufficiently ventilated, a number of unpleasant consequences may naturally result. These can include instability, as moisture builds up where it shouldn't be, and pest infestation, usually in the form of termites. Fixing both of these problems can be very costly indeed. An automatic foundation vent is meant to provide much-needed ventilation to your foundation, with the ability to automatically sense the level of ventilation needed at any given time.


    • Foundation vents (the vents for crawlspaces) come in two basic varieties: manual and automatic. When speaking of the automatic kind in particular, one is faced with a choice between several alternatives. Some come with one-year warranties. A few come with lifetime warranties. Some are large and some are small. Some are metal, while others are plastic. Vents come in a variety of colors as well, ranging from black to brown to white.


    • A standard automatic foundation vent measures 8 inches in height by 16 inches in width. Oversized vents are also available, typically measuring around 11.5 inches in height by 17.125 inches in width.


    • The first consideration, of course, is the size of the ventilation hole. The automatic foundation vent obviously needs to adequately cover this hole. One may want to research the vent's coil -- is it heavy duty and, therefore, dependable? How easy is it to remove the back of the vent when one wishes to clean it? Most importantly, one should consult building codes to make sure that one installs the proper number of automatic foundation vents per square foot of crawlspace.


    • Automatic foundation vents will ensure a steady flow of air, thereby combating unwanted moisture. The latter is what typically draws pests, usually termites, to places like crawlspaces; thus, an automatic foundation vent certainly helps to prevent termites as well. In addition, the automatic foundation vent negates the hassle of manually having to manage one's vents (opening them or closing them); the coil in the vent detects conditions and the vent manages itself.