Home Garden

Importance of Attic Vents

Attic ventilation can be achieved in a number of ways, and all homes should have high and low venting. Ridge vents running along the top of a roof are used often these days, and many homes still use mushroom vents for high ventilation. A home's low venting is usually achieved with soffit vents on the roof overhang. Proper venting helps with energy costs, home maintenance and health.
  1. Types

    • Building codes in all states require certain amounts of venting and that they be divided between high and low. Ridge venting, which is a continuous vent running along the ridge of the roof line, is optimal, as it takes advantage of the highest point in the home. High venting may also be achieved using mushroom vents or cans. These tie in to the shingles of a roof and cover a hole cut in the roof. Low venting is almost always the result of vents located in the overhangs (or soffits). Soffit vents allow for air movement from the lowest part of the attic space.


    • Attic venting allows fresh air into the attic space and lets older air cycle out. Soffits are most suitable for allowing air in, which will travel up through the attic space as it warms and escape through the high venting. Attic ventilation keeps stale air from sitting (and heating) in your attic. It also retards moisture caused by the hot, damp conditions that occur in an unventilated (or improperly vented) attic.

    Saving Your Roof

    • By reducing temperature swings, attic ventilation will help to increase the life of shingles and other roofing materials. An improperly ventilated attic becomes very hot, and this heat can damage wood and, especially, shingles. In the winter, a hot attic will cause snow to melt at higher points of the roof. Water will run down to the eaves and gutters, refreeze and create ice dams. Ice dams will back up and often lift shingles, causing leaks and maybe even interior damage.

    Energy Costs

    • A properly ventilated attic will help reduce energy costs in the summer. Heat trapped through poor ventilation results in a home that is harder to keep cool and, subsequently, is more work for air conditioners and costs more for homeowners.

    Retarding Moisture

    • Perhaps the most important benefit of proper attic ventilation is that it keeps moisture from developing in the sauna-like condition that arises from poor ventilation. Moisture can damage building materials and any items stored in the attic. Of even more concern, moisture will promote mold growth that can become a health hazard.