Home Garden

Why Is it Important to Insulate & Ventilate an Attic?

Attic insulation is critical for separating the conditioned (heated or cooled) air of your living spaces from the unconditioned air of the attic. Ventilation helps regulate the temperature extremes in the attic to minimize heat buildup in summer and prevent ice dams in winter.
  1. Preventing Heat Loss

    • Hot air rises. This familiar law of nature is the primary reason to insulate an attic: keeping the warm, heated air inside your living spaces.

    Reducing Heat Gain

    • In the summer, a home's roof takes the brunt of the sun's heat, resulting in extremely high temperatures in the attic. Insulation along the attic floor keeps this air from overheating your upper-floor ceilings. Ventilation provides airflow in the attic to exhaust the trapped, solar-heated air.

    Preventing Ice Dams

    • Ice dams occur when heated indoor air warms the underside of the roof, melting the snow on top. The melted snow runs down toward the eave, where it cools again and forms ice buildup. Proper insulation keeps warm indoor air out of the attic in the first place, while ventilation brings in outdoor air to keep the roof deck cool.

    Stopping Air Leaks

    • Sealing air leaks between the living space and attic can be just as important as insulation for keeping warm air inside your living spaces. For more information, visit the U.S. EPA's Energy Star website.

    Consider an Energy Audit

    • A professional energy audit is a comprehensive assessment of your home's energy-efficiency performance and includes a review of insulation, ventilation and air leaks, among many other elements. A good auditor will help you determine the most cost-effective energy improvements for your home.