Home Garden

How to Test Ridge Vents

Ridge vents on roofs help circulate air in your attic. Air flows into the attic through soffit vents near the edge of the roof and escapes through ridge vents. Ridge vents are especially useful in summer, when they help lower the temperature in the attic. Testing ridge vents to make sure they are working can be done in a couple of easy steps, using materials you likely have in your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Glass of water
  • Matches
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    • 1

      Go to your attic and stand beneath a ridge vent. The vents can be found along the peak of the roof. Moisten a couple of fingers by sticking them in a glass of water and place your hand by the ridge vent. If it is working properly, you should feel air flowing across your fingers toward the outside.

    • 2

      Strike a match and blow it out quickly. Place the match near the ridge vent. The smoke from the blown-out match should be sucked through the ridge vent toward the outside.

    • 3

      Repeat the tests to make sure that the air flow through the ridge vent is sufficient. You can improve the flow of air through the attic by adding more soffit vents or installing an exhaust fan.