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Zone 5 Garden Plants

USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 5 tolerates temperates as low as -20 degrees Fahrenheit. Most of the northern United States and parts of the Midwestern states have Zone 5 growing requirements. Zone 5 plants thrive in areas with cool autumn months, cold winters and short growing seasons.
  1. Aster

    • Aster flowers bloom in a wide range of hues.

      Thriving in zones 4 through 8, the aster flower serves as an ornamental perennial flower. It thrives from spring through summer and prefers direct sunlight. Moderate amounts of moisture are needed for aster flowers, so using a peat-rich mulch will help retain moisture. Aster flowers are ornamental bed-flowers that bloom in colors ranging from bright white and yellow to shades of pink, purple and blue. Their spring-green foliage is also attractive, although it may need to be thinned in a flowerbed environment.


    • This perennial blossom is native to Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota and other states. It thrives throughout zones 3 through 7, making it a pretty choice for a zone 5 garden. It resembles a small daisy with bright-white petals and yellow sunburst centers. The foliage is light-green and wispy. The soil requirements are loose for boltonia, meaning it thrives in sandy, loamy, wet or dry soils with ease of adaptation.


    • American holly is a hardy shrub.

      American holly withstands temperatures as low as -29 degrees, making it an excellent shrub for a zone 5 garden environment. The waxy, deep green foliage of the holly shrub is spiny and ornamental. The plant produces tiny blood-red berries. This festive plant is a holiday landscape favorite because of its resemblance to mistletoe and the red and green color scheme. American holly thrives in loamy soil and likes humid environments.


    • Windflowers are attractive additions to a zone 5 garden.

      Also known as St. Brigid de Caen, the windflower thrives in temperatures as low as -25 degrees. It prefers full sun to partial shade and short drinks of water. Mulch is necessary to retain moisture for the flower's short root system. The flowers vary from bright white to deep scarlet red and orange. Windflowers in a zone 5 garden attract hummingbirds and other flying pollinators.