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Air Conditioner Solutions for Apartments

When the temperature rises to uncomfortably high levels, you want to cool down. However, some apartments don't have air conditioning, or maybe you're without AC until the repair man can fix it, or you just want to avoid running up a huge electricity bill. In any case, you have several air conditioner solutions for apartments to help keep you cool.
  1. Fan Fare

    • Don a wet shirt and sit in front of a fan.

      Make good use of fans. For quick relief, wet a t-shirt, wring out excess water, put it on and sit in front of a portable fan. Re-wet as needed. Use window or ceiling fans wisely. Remember, fans don't cool the air; they merely blow it around. So don't bother turning them on during the hottest part of the day; you're only wasting electricity, and the fan's motor may even increase the temperature in your apartment. Wait until the cool of evening, then open windows and turn on the fans to circulate the colder air.

    Inside Out

    • Sip a glass of ice water to beat the heat.

      Cool off internally. Sip on something cool or nibble on a frozen treat. For dinner, try a cold dish. Mix veggies, chicken breast strips and salad dressing with cooked pasta, or toss a garden or Caesar salad. Make a cold avocado or cucumber soup, or feast on cold finger foods such as sushi, deviled eggs and sliced pepperoni. Dine on ham sandwiches, chips and iced tea. These options will keep not only you but also your apartment cool since you won't need to turn on the stove or oven.

    Core Temp

    • Take a cold bath or shower.

      Take a cold pack from the freezer and place it on the back of your neck. Or just improvise a cold pack using a sealable plastic bag and some ice cubes. Submerge your feet in a bucket of cold water, or for a total body cool-down, take a cold shower or soak yourself in a bathtub full of cool water. After the shower, go au naturel if possible; if not, wear light, natural fabrics that let your skin breathe, such as cotton.

    Home Prep

    • Spend a few hours in an air conditioned mall.

      During the day, keep blinds closed to block out the sun. Investing in window coverings helps as well, from standard curtains to thermal drapes, which are designed to keep out summer's heat and winter's cold. Find out which windows open to the evening's cool breezes and keep them open as night air is blowing in. Use fluorescent light bulbs instead of incandescents, which give off heat. Turn off all appliances when not in use. And during the sunniest, hottest part of the day, go to a bookstore, mall, coffee shop, movie theater or library to take advantage of the free air conditioning.