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Desiccant Vs. Mechanical Dehumidification

Humidity is a factor that can be controlled in various ways for different reasons. The amount of moisture in the air directly affects human breathing. Molds and mildews can affect products in transport and can also have detrimental effects on buildings and construction. Dehumidifiers, which act to remove moisture from the air to conform to required levels, come in various forms and designs. The choice between a mechanical dehumidifier and a desiccant system is a matter of weighing your specific needs with the costs and available materials.
  1. Consider the Space That Will Be Dehumidified

    • Use of the intended space is the most central factor in choosing a dehumidifier. The space in question may range from a small container for the shipping of food or medical materials to a multistory office building in a tropical area that requires controlled air conditioning. An unfinished basement with water leakage requires a different approach to dehumidifying than a hospital operating room. Take into account the size of the space as well. It is possible to place desiccant objects in small containers. Rooms and shipping vehicles will require mechanical devices to maintain a constant level of humidity.

    Desiccant Objects and Systems

    • A desiccant object or system removes moisture from the air by absorbing it. Desiccant objects commonly appear in small containers such as vitamin bottles or noodle packages. In these cases they are disposable. Replacement of desiccant objects is necessary when they have reached their absorption potential if the container is reused. Desiccant systems resemble ventilation systems, but with the goal of humidity regulation instead of temperature control. Desiccant systems have elements that absorb moisture as the air passes through them. These elements must be refreshed or regenerated from time to time, either manually or automatically by the system itself.

    Mechanical Dehumidifiers

    • A mechanical dehumidifier removes moisture from the air by collecting it. This is achieved by passing the air over a cool coil upon which the moisture condenses. The moisture is then collected in a holding container or expelled through a tube or pipe to a drain. Mechanical dehumidifiers can run independently for long periods without requiring service. However, they do require a power source.

    Budgeting and Consultation

    • Choosing a device for dehumidifying air is also affected by budget. Desiccant objects need to be replaced. Desiccant systems and mechanical dehumidifiers require energy to operate. Wastewater must have an appropriate exit route. These variables directly affect cost. Working with an experienced consultant is advisable. Ventilation and heating or cooling companies deal with the subject of humidity on a regular basis. Making a good choice will help protect your property or products and is well worth the effort.