Home Garden

Natural Ways to Dehumidify Your House

When temperatures soar and the relative humidity is high, air becomes sticky and muggy making it feel much hotter than the mercury indicates. Dehumidifiers and air conditioners typically control the moisture content in your home, but you can also control the humidity level naturally without the aid of appliances.
  1. Modify Household Activities

    • Household activities involving the use of water can increase the humidity in your home. A family of four converts an estimated 3 gallons of water into water vapor a day as a result of normal household activities, such as bathing, cooking, cleaning and breathing, according to Dale Dorman, extension housing and environmental specialist from the University of Georgia. Because it only takes 1 to 1/2 gallons of water to raise the humidity from 15 to 60 percent in a 1,000-square-foot house, this can cause problems with household humidity levels. Installing exhaust fans for the bathroom, decreasing bathing time, washing only full loads of laundry and converting to flooring that does not require mopping can help reduce the humidity level in your home.

    Vent Appliances

    • Clothes dryers, stoves, heaters and other combustion appliances increase the humidity in the home. Follow all manufacturer's instructions and vent these appliances outside of the home.

    Air Circulation

    • Opening windows, installing exhaust fans and increasing the air circulation in the home reduces humidity. Run the fan in the bathroom when showering or open the window to allow steamy air to escape. Likewise, open windows or use exhaust fans when cooking or using the dishwasher.

    Outside the Home

    • Examine the outside of your home for areas where water collects near the foundation, and check crawl spaces and basements for any water leaks that may contribute to high humidity levels in your home. Take the necessary corrective measures to prevent excess moisture around your home.