Home Garden

How to Keep Fireplace Smoke From Filling a House

Your home's fireplace is a welcome feature during cold winter months, but can be more of a nuisance than a luxury if smoke fills your home or apartment soon after lighting the fire. Smoke typically travels upward through the chimney to keep your home's air clean, but a dirty chimney or a closed damper can result in trapping the air in your home. If your fireplace is unable to dispel smoke after checking and cleaning it, a professional chimney cleaner is necessary to correct the problem.

Things You'll Need

  • Chimney brush
  • Protective gloves
  • Plastic goggles
  • Face dust mask
  • Plastic tarp
  • Fireplace broom
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      Turn the damper handle to the open position. A partially closed damper prevents the smoke from properly escaping through the chimney, and can quickly fill up your room with smoke.

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      Protect your hands with gloves, and cover your eyes with a protective plastic goggles. Cover your face with a dust mask, and cover the area surrounding the fireplace with a plastic sheet to prevent soot from staining the floor or furniture.

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      Insert a chimney brush into to the chimney, and rotate the brush in a circular motion. Brush the tool against the chimney walls in a vertical motion to remove built-up soot inside of the chimney.

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      Sweep up soot using the fireplace brush. Dispose of the soot in the trash. Pick up the plastic sheet, and place your clothing in a plastic bag to avoid mixing it with your other soiled clothes.