Home Garden

Drawing Heat From the Attic

The attic is the hottest area of many homes. During summer months, attic temperatures often soar well above 100 degrees. This heat also transfers to the rest of your house, which means greater energy usage and higher electricity bills. If you want to make your home more comfortable, save money and protect items stored in your attic, draw heat out of this area in your home by implementing one or more helpful strategies.

Things You'll Need

  • Turbines
  • Electric attic ventilation fan
  • Radiant barrier material
  • Regular stationary fan
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      Install wind-powered turbines on the roof of your home. These turbines draw hot air upward out of the attic. Wind-powered turbines work best in landscapes and climates that receive regular breezes.

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      Use an electric-powered attic ventilation fan to suck hot air out of the attic. This option can be expensive, however, since these high-powered fans often pull cool air out of the rest of the house toward the attic. This can, in turn, elevate your electric bill.

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      Install radiant barrier material over your insulation and along the inner walls of your attic's roof. This type of material reflects heat outward, which will help to cool your attic. Radiant barrier material can be sprayed on or hammered down in sheet form.

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      Move as much air through the attic as possible to draw out the heat. If you have windows in your attic, open them. Even a regular stationary fan can help to move some air and drop the temperature by a few degrees.