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House Damage Caused by Hail Storms

Depending on where you live in the U.S., you may experience hail during spring, summer and fall storms. Hail can range in size from pea size to baseball size. Although golf ball- and baseball-size hail will cause the most damage, pea-size hail can cause damage to the home as well.
  1. Roof

    • Slate roofs are the most susceptible to hail damage. As the larger-size hail pounds down on the roof, the slate tiles will break. Wood shingles will hold up better against large hail than slate tiles but can still sustain damage. The older wood shingles can break during hail storms when hail is larger than pea size. Asphalt shingles are the most common roof covering, but hail can cause bruises and dimples in the shingles. When golf ball-size hail or larger is pounding down on the asphalt, it can break off edges of the shingle or make dimples or bruises, which may have little cracks that can cause a leaky roof.


    • Slate siding can sustain damage for pea-size hail and larger. If the driving wind is throwing the hail against the slate siding, it will break and crack. Vinyl siding is better for withstanding damage from hail, but when the hail is golf ball-size or larger, the siding can sustain pitting. Aged vinyl siding becomes brittle over the years and loses it flexibility, which can't withstand damage from hail.


    • Windows are prone to cracks and breaking when hail is being pelted against the glass by driving winds. Pea-size hail can crack a window or even possibly break a weak pane of glass, but golf ball-size and larger hail can shatter an entire pane of glass. In general, if you have a double-pane window, the outer glass can break and leave the inner pane intact, but if the hail storm lasts for a long period, one piece of hail can break the outer pane, leaving the inner pane open for another hail ball to break it.

    Awnings and Air Conditioners

    • Metal awnings are affected by hail as small as pea size. The driving winds that come along with hail can pound the hail into the awning, causing dents in the metal. Plastic or vinyl awnings are affected by hail and high winds, but if the awning can be retracted before a hail storm, there will be less damage. Hail can damage air conditioner units by denting or bending the condenser coil.