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How to Remove Thick Ice on Concrete Steps

Ice is one of the biggest slip hazards of winter, and when it coats your concrete steps it's even more dangerous. If you don't have any ice-melting chemicals on hand or haven't time to let the chemicals do the job, you can remove thick ice from your concrete steps in a few minutes by using what you have on hand. Before you know it, your steps will be clear of ice, and you can be safely on your way.

Things You'll Need

  • Broom with wooden handle
  • Heavy duty putty knife
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    • 1

      Turn a wooden handled broom upside down.

    • 2

      Grasp the broom handle, placing your hands in the center of the handle and spaced one foot apart.

    • 3

      Hold the broom even with your right shoulder, bending your elbows slightly. This will prevent injury to your face if the broom should bounce back.

    • 4

      Slam the broom handle into the thick ice, aiming one foot away from the side of the concrete step. The ice will crack and break away.

    • 5

      Repeat the process, working across each step in one foot increments.

    • 6

      Sweep the broken ice pieces away, using the whisk end of the broom as you would sweep a floor.

    • 7

      Scrape away and remnants of ice with a heavy duty putty knife, holding the putty knife at a 45-degree angle and taking care to remove any ice that remains at the angle of each step.