Home Garden

How to Clear Ice From Rain Spouts

During the winter in colder climates, ice builds up in gutters and rain spouts along your house. These ice dams can seriously damage your roof over time. Ice buildup in your gutters also forms icicles that can drop at any time, making it hazardous for anyone passing by underneath. Ice dams can be prevented by properly ventilating, sealing and insulating your attic. If ice has already built up in your gutters, however, you'll need to clear it out as soon as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Roof rake
  • Push broom
  • Chisel or similar tool
  • Hammer
  • Pantyhose
  • Calcium chloride snow melt
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      Pull snow down off your roof line, using a roof rake and a push broom. Don't pull the snow across the roof; you could damage or break off your roof's shingles.

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      Place a ladder securely against your roof, where the ice has built up.

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      Chip out a channel in the ice dam, using a chisel (or similar tool) and a hammer. This allows the water to flow through. You don't have to remove all the ice; by removing the snow from the roof, the remaining ice will melt when the temperature rises.

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      Fill a pair of pantyhose with calcium chloride snow melt. Place this across the ice dam, and it will both melt the ice faster and prevent ice from building up there again.