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How to De-Ice Without Damaging the Walk

Winter blizzards bring cold temperatures, power outages and iced-over walkways to millions of families every year. Icy walkways are dangerous to walk on, and should be cleared as soon as possible after forming. Rock salt is one possible, and common, way of removing ice from walkways, but it actually wears away walkways and damages gardens. De-icing walkways is best done with persistent shoveling, some sand and a small amount of calcium magnesium acetate.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Bag of sand
  • Ice chipper
  • Bag of calcium magnesium acetate spread
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      Shovel your walkway after the first hour of snow fall, or as soon as possible. Shovel your walkway every other hour to keep clear of ice buildup. Persistent shoveling during a snow storm is the best way to keep your walkway clear of ice.

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      Spread a bag of sand over your walkway. Sand will help you keep your grip on icy surfaces, and will not damage your walkway or garden. Remember to sweep up the sand after the snow melts, as it can clog your drainage system if left alone.

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      Scrape away as much ice as possible with an ice chipper or scraper. Getting past the first layer of hard ice will help any de-icing products work faster and better.

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      Spread a small amount of calcium magnesium acetate product over your iced walkway. Calcium magnesium acetate slowly melts ice, and only requires a small amount to work effectively. It is non-toxic and does not damage stone or cement. Follow the instructions on your bag of calcium magnesium acetate spread to correctly use the product.