Home Garden

How To Get Rid of Ice from a Driveway without Salt

Residents of regions that see cold, wintry weather may occasionally become burdened by the wintertime presence of ice or snow on a driveway, sidewalk or other pathway. Deicing salts are a customary and relatively inexpensive material used to melt ice on roads and driveways. These salts, however, can corrode or discolor certain surfaces, leave stains on carpets and other flooring, and harm nearby vegetation. A combination of well-timed manual removal and the use of salt-free deicing compounds, enhanced radiation absorbers or electric heating cables or mats enables you to get rid of ice from a driveway without salt.

Things You'll Need

  • Snow shovel
  • Ice chipper
  • Flat-edged metal shovel, if suitable
  • Salt-free deicing compound
  • Enhanced radiation absorber
  • Electric heating cables or mat
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      Shovel the driveway to remove as much snow as possible. The less snow there is on top of the ice, the more effective warm temperatures and sun radiation are in melting it. If the ice layer is not bonded to the driveway very well, a metal-edged snow shovel or flat-edged metal shovel may be able to scrape the ice off the surface easily. Do not use a metal shovel if there's a chance the scraping metal could harm the driveway surface.

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      Chip the ice, using an ice chipper, if the ice layer is thick enough to break into pieces when struck using downward strokes with the ice chipper.

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      Shovel up any broken ice pieces. Break large chunks into smaller pieces with the ice chipper, as needed, to avoid straining to move heavy shovel loads.

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      Apply a salt-free deicing compound or enhanced radiation absorber to the ice layer. Although salt-free deicers such as calcium magnesium acetate are more expensive, they are less corrosive and less environmentally damaging than salts. Enhanced radiation absorbers such as graphite or soot are dark and absorb more radiation from the sun so the ice melts faster.

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      Install or lay electric heating cables or an electric heating mat. These require a source of electricity and are perhaps best suited for small areas that see heavy foot traffic.