Home Garden

How To Make a Pantyhose Roof De-Icer

When ice begins to form on your roof, it’s just a problem waiting to happen if you don’t take some action to remedy it. On some roofs, the weight of the ice poses a structural problem, and on others an ice dam forms and eventually leads to water inside the house. To avoid the headache and added expense later, take preventive action to melt some of the ice before it becomes a problem. You can de-ice your roof with some old pantyhose and a common de-icing agent.


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      Fill a pantyhose leg with calcium chloride -- CaCl2 -- ice melter from your local hardware store.

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      Tie off the top part of the pantyhose with a tight knot. Double the knot to further secure it.

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      Lay the stuffed pantyhose on your roof so it is on top of any ice dams and slightly overhangs the gutter. The pantyhose should melt a channel into the ice and snow to allow the water to drain away safely.

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      Leave the pantyhose on the roof until the ice has melted underneath, then move it to a new location if there is still calcium chloride left in the hose.

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      Fill pantyhose with more calcium chloride and repeat the process if there are still areas that need de-icing.