Home Garden

How to Plow a Driveway to Minimize Drifting

Severe wind that causes a great deal of drifting snow is a nuisance for homeowners. It can necessitate a second plowing after the wind dies down. There are a few plowing techniques that helps minimize snow drifting. Plowing a driveway properly requires a little planning. Determine if there are any nearby ditches or rows of trees that you can use to block the wind. If you are not the homeowner, always defer to the homeowner's wishes regarding snow pile placement.


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      Determine the prevailing wind direction and pile the snow downwind. For instance, if the wind is blowing from left to right across the driveway, make the snow piles on the right-hand side of the driveway so the snow doesn't drift back.

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      Plow piles of snow into ditches whenever possible. Do not plow a pile of snow across the lawn, but use ditches if they are available near the driveway. Snow piles inside a ditch will drift a great deal less than a tall pile of snow.

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      Plow snow off the driveway near rows of trees or shrubs whenever possible. These are natural snow fences. They help minimize snow drifting by blocking the wind.

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      Create snow traps if ditches and rows of trees are unavailable near the driveway. Snow traps are parallel windrows, or lines of snow, that help trap the snow that drifts during wind. Position your plow at an angle and make multiple passes at the area of snow. With each pass, move the snow line more to the side and forward.

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      Check your local laws to determine if plowing snow across the road is illegal in your area. In many municipalities, it is. If your area allows it, plow snow across the road into unused land. Leave plenty of room between your snow pile and the road to allow the city plows space for their snow piles. Never leave snow on the road.