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How to Make Roof Rake Angles

A roof rake is also known as a snow rake, snow broom or snow cutter. It's a tool used to pull accumulated snow off an angled roof. The tool looks like a large, flexible garden rake except instead of a pronged end, it features a solid piece to better pull snow. While these are sold commercially, you can make a roof rake out of PVC pipe that is flexible, durable and less expensive than one from the store.

Things You'll Need

  • PVC T-joint
  • PVC glue
  • 2-inch PVC pipe, 15 feet long
  • 2 PVC pipes, 8 inches long
  • 2-by-8 plywood that is 20 inches long
  • 1-inch wood screws
  • Drill
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    • 1

      Glue one end of the 15-foot PVC pipe into the center opening of the PVC T-joint.

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      Glue one end of one 8-inch PVC pipe into the left opening of the T-joint. Repeat with the other pipe in the right opening of the T-joint. Allow the PVC glue to dry about 15 minutes.

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      Hold the plywood upright, and hold the crosspiece, not the long handle, of the PVC tool up next to it. Maneuver the crosspiece so that it rests along the top of the plywood, about a half inch from the top edge.

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      Drill the wood screws in through the plywood and into the PVC pipe. Start in the middle and work your way out toward each end, placing screws about one inch apart.

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      Try to pry the plywood from the crosspiece. Add screws to any areas that are loose or do not sit flush with the crosspiece.