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Why Do You Need to Clean out Gutters?

Gutters are the narrow troughs that run parallel to the edge of the roof. They have an important function in controlling the flow of rainwater and directing its path away from the house. To do so, gutters need to be kept clean, to protect not only the roof and house below, but also to protect themselves.
  1. Gutter Damage

    • If the gutters are left uncleaned, with debris steadily building up, damage to both the gutters and the downspout can be the result. The gutters will sag, allowing blocked rainwater to overflow and fall down to the base of the house. The rainwater is supposed to travel along the gutter's path, and travel down and away from the house, through the downspout. If debris is not cleaned out of the downspout, sections of the downspout will break away from other sections, or the downspout itself will be pulled away from the gutter.

    House Damage

    • Rainwater that is not directed away from the house by the gutter's downspout will seep underneath the house, and help weaken the house's foundation. This unblocked water also has a chance to invade the basement and cause damage. Water that spills over the sides of gutters will run down the sides of the house walls, causing water damage to siding and windows. The water will also fall to the ground around the house and splash mud against the lower portion of the house's outer walls.

    Roof Damage

    • Water that runs off the roof and encounters a blockage caused by built-up debris in the gutters will run over the gutter and over the fascia boards along the roof edge. If allowed to collect here, the water could possibly end up rotting the roof sheathing, and also the rafters. In the winter especially, clogged gutters can contribute to ice dams, blocking the flow of water that has melted from roof ice and snow. This water works its way into the roof, causing leaks.

    Other Concerns and Possible Avoidance

    • The pooled water that results from clogged gutters is a fertile breeding ground for mold and mildew. Along with that dilemma, the water and debris in the gutters offers an inviting breeding ground for mosquitoes and other unwanted guests, such as termites. To help avoid these problems, it is recommended you inspect the condition of the gutters and clean out the piles of leaves and other trapped debris at least two times a year.