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How to Step on a Barrel Tile Roof Without Breaking a Tile

Manufacturers make barrel tile roofing materials from red clay, giving them a natural terra cotta color. Barrel roofing tiles are heavy, strong and long lasting but fragile at the same time. Typically, manufacturers and roof installers recommend refraining from walking across a barrel tile roof because the tiles may crack or break. Unfortunately, in some instances, gaining access to chimneys or damaged roofing tiles requires stepping on the roof. Stepping on a barrel tile roof and walking across it calls for extreme care.

Things You'll Need

  • Extension ladder
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    • 1

      Place an extension ladder up to the house without leaning the ladder on the gutter or edge of the roof to gain access to the roof. Leaning an extension ladder against the edge of a barrel tile may cause the tile to fracture. Position the ladder as far up the house as possible and lean it against the wall of the house.

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      Step onto the section of barrel tile that lies above another barrel tile. One barrel tile under another is the strongest point on the field of roofing tiles.

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      Check each tile for cracking, chips or other flaws before stepping on the barrel tile.

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      Line up the middle of your foot with the middle of the top curve of the barrel tile to allow your heel and toe to fit around the curve of the barrel tile uniformly.

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      Position one foot on the topmost curve of a barrel tile. Place the other foot on the top curve of a second barrel tile to distribute your weight evenly. Place each hand on a top curve of the barrel tile so you are walking on all fours and distributing your weight at four points.

    • 6

      Move slowly across or up the roof, cautiously stepping each time. Slowly plant your foot on the top curve and set it in place before advancing your other foot. Move your hands in tandem with your feet.