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How to Glue Roll Roofing

Roll roofing is made of asphalt-infused paper, some of which has additional rock-like material applied to it. In fact, roll roofing is similar to roofing shingles except that it is applied in a single layer. While traditional attachment methods for rolled roofing previously involved hot tar, new glue adhesives make the process less messy. An important part of gluing rolled roofing is allowing it to soften before application to prevent cracking and splitting.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Roll roofing adhesive
  • Roof brush
  • Utility knife
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    • 1

      Wait for a warm, sunny day and set the rolled roofing out in the yard. Let it sit there for 24 hours to soften slightly, which makes installing it easier.

    • 2

      Position a ladder next the house and climb onto the roof carrying a bucket of roll roofing adhesive. Open the tub of adhesive and insert a small roof brush into it until the bristles are saturated.

    • 3

      Spread the adhesive at the bottom edge of the roof if the roof is slanted or at one side if it is flat. Apply the adhesive in a strip that is 2-to-3-feet wide and the same length as the roll of roofing material.

    • 4

      Set the brush aside and pick up the roll roofing. Lay the edge of the roll roofing at the roof with the rolled portion facing toward the center of the roof. Unroll the material until all the applied adhesive is covered.

    • 5

      Apply more adhesive to the roof in front of the roll, using the brush. Apply the adhesive in another 3-to-4-foot wide block. Unroll the material onto it, pressing it down firmly. Continue until you reach the other edge of the roof and cut off the excess material using a utility knife.

    • 6

      Walk back to the original location and apply adhesive above the first row of roofing and extend it down the top 4 inches of the first row.

    • 7

      Place the rolled roofing on top of the adhesive overlapping the first row by 4 inches. Unroll it and press it into the adhesive. Continue this process across the roof and apply all additional rows in the same manner.