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How to Remove Old Asphalt Shingles Before Putting on a New Roof

Removing shingles, one of the first steps to installing a new roof, involves removing the nails or staples securing the shingles in place along with tarpaper and any valley or ridge shingles. The builder is responsible for the proper disposal of the shingle refuse from the roof. Removing shingles requires basic tools along with the proper equipment for working on a roof.

Things You'll Need

  • Shingle scraper or garden fork
  • Truck or trailer
  • Tarps or dropcloths
  • Hammer or wrecking bar
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      Place tarps or dropcloths over any landscape plants below the edge of the roof. Position a truck or trailer below the roof at a driveway or other convenient location for collection of debris.

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      Place a ladder or scaffolding along the roof for access to the roof. Follow all safety procedures when using a ladder or scaffolding.

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      Pry loose shingles with a shingle scraper, starting near the top of the roof and working across only the width of the truck's bed. Work down the slope removing shingles by sliding the end of the tool under the shingles and lifting the handle to pry them loose. Clear the area above the trailer or truck.

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      Remove the loose shingles from the roof and deposit into the truck bed or onto the trailer.

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      Check the roof decking for remaining nails. Some pull free with the shingles, but others will remain. Pull the shingles with a hammer or wrecking bar.

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      Move the truck or trailer and work similar sections adjacent to the cleared areas. Deposit shingles and debris into the truck bed or onto the trailer. At the end of the project, the roof deck should be clear for the installation of new shingles.