Home Garden

My Roof Is Leaking From Snow Around the Pipes

Leaky roofs can damage the interior of your home. Areas in your attic that provide an exit route for pipes, electrical wires and chimneys, are prone to leaks. Leaks in these areas are frequently more obvious when it rains or when snow accumulates on your roof. Without prompt treatment, these leaky areas can cause water damage to your ceilings, walls, flooring and furniture.
  1. Ice Dams

    • Ice dams occur when accumulated snow on your roof thaws and refreezes. Freezing creates pressure against nearby structures as the water expands. As the snow continues to melt, it tends to pool behind the solid portions of ice, causing the moisture to back up on your roof rather than draining off the slope. Accumulations involving only 1 or 2 inches of snow can lead to ice dams and leaks around pipes. Even thick layers of caulking may fail and crack under the intense pressure of freezing and melting ice. Leaks around the pipes can soak your attic insulation then run down into the exposed area of your home.

    Roof Leaks

    • Roof leaks can first appear as small, discolored spots on your ceilings or as streaks along the interior sides of your walls. The signs of water damage seldom appear directly below the source of the leak. Check your attic to determine which pipe is leaking. Examine the area above the water damage and trace the water trail back to its source.

    Water Damage

    • Water damage can cost more to repair than the source of the leak, making it important to stop a leak as soon as you notice a water spot forming inside your house. Leaks that cause water to run down inside your walls may take longer to appear; they often make themselves known when wallpaper begins to peel or paint starts cracking. These surface symptoms result from excessive levels of moisture within the wall.


    • Placing an empty pot or container beneath the leaky pipe in your attic can limit further damage. Repair the leak by removing the snow and ice from around the faulty pipe. Working on an icy roof poses a serious risk to your safety, so hire a professional roofing contractor if the area is not easily accessible from a ladder or a dry section of roofing. Peel off the dried caulking and replace it, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Keeping the snow swept off your roof reduces the risk of future leaks.