Home Garden

Removing Icicles From Shingle Roofs

Winter ushers in thoughts of snowball fights, roaring fires and cheerful holiday gatherings. What many homeowners don’t prepare for is icicles. Icicles form when moisture hits the roof and freezes solid as it drips toward the ground. These heavy formations can snap and fall, causing serious injury and even death. Icicles should be carefully removed as soon as possible to prevent injuries and damage to your shingles.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Shovel
  • Broom
  • Hot water
  • Roof rake
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      Clear the area beneath the icicles. Heavy icicles can snap off without warning and may hurt people standing nearby. Place barricades under the ice to keep people and pets out of danger.

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      Lean the ladder against a solid wall, and look at the section of roof where the icicles are most prevalent. Use the shovel to scoop off most of the snow, and brush away residual flakes with a broom. If the roof isn’t totally iced over, you can climb directly on the roof.

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      Pour hot water over patches of ice to loosen them from the shingles. The hotter the water is, the faster the ice will melt, so have a helper bring you boiling water directly from the stove. Avoid using commercial ice melters made with sodium, as these contain chemicals that will damage shingles.

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      Scrape the ice away from the shingles with a roof rake. A roof rake is much like a garden rake, except it has a flat metal blade instead of sharp teeth. Hold the blade as level with the shingles as possible, scraping in small strokes to loosen ice without digging into the shingles. Push loosened ice off the roof.

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      Tap firmly on remaining icicles to loosen them from the roof. Strike them at the point where the icicle attaches to the roof, and stand back as the icicles fall to the ground. If any stubborn icicles remain, douse them with more hot water and try again.