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The Best Time of the Year to Get Your Roof Repaired

Roof repairs can be expensive, and extended roof repairs can leave your home vulnerable to damage during bad weather. Depending on the type of roof you have, a basic replacement will take anywhere from several days to several weeks. Smaller jobs can take anywhere from a couple of hours to several days. Bad weather can mean that the repairs take significantly longer. The best time of year to make your roof repairs depends on where you live.
  1. Spring, Summer, Winter or Fall?

    • When you are figuring out the best time of year to replace your roof, you need to take your location and climate into consideration. The best time to replace a roof is typically when you have mild temperatures and good weather. This will vary, depending on your location.

      In the Southeast and in California, roof repairs can be made more or less year round, though major repairs should be avoided during hurricane season in the South. In the Southwest, spring and fall are good seasons for roofing work. Arizona and New Mexico have a monsoon season that generally starts in July and ends in September. All roof work should be avoided during monsoon season, as heavy rain, strong winds and lightning strikes are common. If you live in the Northeast, the Northwest or the Midwest, the best time to repair a roof is from late spring to early fall. In these regions it's not a good idea to do roof work in the winter.

    Rain and Storms

    • Rain will pretty much stop a roofing project in its tracks, as it poses a safety risk to the workers. Attempting roof replacement during a rainy season can lead to leaking while the job is being done and extended completion times because of missed days. If you live in an area with a pronounced rainy season, plan your roof replacement around that season. If you live in an area affected by hurricanes, consider having your roofing done well before the season begins.

    Temperature Lows

    • Roofers can work in cold temperatures, but some extremes can stop roofing materials from setting properly, so keep that in mind when you're scheduling repairs for early spring, late fall or winter. Snowfall is definitely be a big hindrance for roofing jobs. If you can avoid scheduling your roof replacement during snowy weather, you should do so.

    Extreme Heat

    • In terms of heat, roofers will typically work through high summer temperatures but may not be able to do so during extreme heat waves. Roofers working in extreme heat can also be expected to take more breaks to avoid heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The hottest part of the summer is not the ideal time for scheduling your roof replacement.