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How to Fix Water Leaking Through Valleys on a Roof Due to Ice

Roofs in colder climates that receive some amount of snow may occasionally suffer from the development of ice dams. Ice dams form when snow melts from a warmer upper portion of the roof, runs down into a valley or to the roof's edge or gutter and refreezes where the surface temperature is lower. Melt can back up behind the ice dam and the standing water can leak through roofing materials. To fix a water leak caused by an ice dam, the roof ice must first be addressed. Then, damage caused to the interior by the leak can be repaired as needed and long-term solutions to prevent the future formation of ice dams or leaks implemented.

Things You'll Need

  • Roof rake
  • Hose and warm water connection
  • Insulating foam spray, if needed
  • Additional insulation
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      Remove snow from the valley and nearby portions of the roof. Use a roof rake, a long-handled tool intended specifically for roof snow removal and work from the bottom of the roof upwards. Removing snow from on top of and several feet behind or above the ice dam may adequately address the ice dam and leak.

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      Cut channels through the ice dam using warm water from a hose connected to an interior faucet or temporarily turned-on outdoor spigot. Get the hose and water stream as close to the dam as possible and work upwards from the bottom to create a drainage path. This method is best used on relatively warm days and provides immediate but temporary relief, and will generally have to be repeated within a few days.

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      Dry the interior of the structure wherever moisture is present. Set up fans and encourage ventilation. Eliminate moisture as quickly as possible to avoid troubling mold.

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      Implement long-term solutions that will help to keep the attic cold, preventing the warm and uneven roof temperatures that cause melting and damming. Address any air leaks through the ceiling into the attic. Inspect the area around any plumbing or chimneys. Plug leaks with foam in a can or, around hot objects, with sheet metal or fiberglass insulation. Add additional insulation to the attic floor and encourage ventilation so that cold air flows beneath the roofing materials.