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Wood Vs. Aluminum Trusses on Campers

The trusses on RV campers are beams used to support the roof of the vehicle. Wood and aluminum are both commonly used. Steel and fiberglass are also used by some camper manufacturers, but they are far less prevalent. Both aluminum and wood provide different properties for use as trusses. The benefit of both materials tends to be less important than the design and quality of construction used by the manufacturer.
  1. Cost

    • Wood trusses have a wider price range than aluminum trusses. The price difference is a result of material and manufacturing costs. The price of aluminum and the cost to manufacture it does not fluctuate much among campers. Wood trusses can cost significantly more or less than aluminum to produce. Manufacturers can change the cost by changing the wood being used to make the trusses. Because of the large price fluctuation, the only real difference between the materials is that wood can potentially be used to make cheaper trusses for cheaper campers.


    • While wood and aluminum have different properties, strength is not a material issue in terms of the final product. If you made two identical campers, one with wood trusses and one with aluminum, the strength of both trusses would be about the same. The manufacturer would alter the shape and size of the trusses to achieve the desired strength for whatever material they use. The strength of the trusses is a design issue rather than a material issue.


    • Aluminum trusses should last for the lifespan in most campers. Other parts of the camper, such as the engine, should start to break down before the trusses show any sign of weakening. Corrosion damage should be minimal and should not impact how long aluminum trusses last. The quality of wood and the manufacturing process has a major effect on how long it lasts. Low quality wood can potentially rot and decay long before the other parts of the camper start to break down. However, high-quality wood that has been properly treated should last the lifespan of the camper, just like aluminum.


    • The difference between aluminum and wood trusses is fairly minimal compared to the quality of the camper. Wood can potentially be used to make much lower quality campers by using cheaper wood to manufacture the trusses. The higher cost and more consistent nature of aluminum tend to prevent it from being used in lower quality campers. However, high-end wood trusses can easily be as strong and long-lasting when properly manufactured. Ultimately, you should not base your decision on a camper based solely on the truss material. Similar quality campers using either material should have fairly similar truss strength and longevity.