Home Garden

Can a Ceiling Drip Water From the Roof?

Excess indoor moisture creates a many problems for homeowners. Those who can see water dripping from their ceiling most likely have a leak in the roof of their home. It is important to locate the source of the leak and repair it before water can cause permanent damage to your ceiling and foster the growth of mold.
  1. Causes

    • Leaking roofs are a common cause of water damage on ceilings and mold growth. Shingles might be dislodged or damaged during rain storms or when ice dams form. Many homes develop leaks around the chimney when flashing is improperly installed or is defective. Furnace cement is used to seal areas around the chimney, which often begins to crack over time, allowing water to leak inside your home from the roof.


    • According to the Environmental Protection Agency, if water stains are localized on your ceiling it is most likely caused by a roof leak. When water is dripping from your ceiling, it encourages mold growth because mold spores thrive in areas of moisture. Mold growth can cause your ceiling to become discolored and unsightly. Some homeowners experience adverse health effects from mold growth, as well. Sneezing, itching eyes, hives, difficulty breathing and wheezing are symptoms of prolonged exposure to mold. Eventually, mold will digest wood or drywall, making repairs necessary to avoid further structural damage to your home.


    • If water is running from your roof, dripping from the ceiling and into your home, you must repair the leak. Homeowners who are not experienced in roof repairs should hire a roofing contractor for best results. Once the leak is located on your roof and repaired, examine your ceiling for signs of mold growth. Mold looks like dark splotches scattered across your ceiling or walls. You might also be able to smell mold because it often smells musty or foul. Remove any visible mold by scrubbing it with liquid dish detergent and water. Dry the area thoroughly. Hire a contractor to repair the ceiling if the drywall has damage from leaking water.


    • Routinely inspect your home for signs of excess moisture. Some rooms such as attics and basements are prone to water leaks. Poor lot grading, inadequate foundation drains and clogged downspouts can allow moisture to seep inside your home and cause damage. Always repair water leaks promptly to avoid the complications associated with excess indoor moisture.