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Solar Roof Panels to Prevent Ice Dams

In the winter, melting snow can lead to ice dams. These dangerous, costly packs on your roof can be difficult to remove. Solar panels on your roof can melt snow and keep it from building up in key places.

  1. Cause

    • Ice dams develop when snow on your roof melts and runs down to the gutters where it refreezes. Eventually, this clogs the gutters with ice causing it to overflow and create a frozen dam. When more snow falls and later melts this runoff hits the dam and freezes again adding to the dam.


    • Ice dams damage the gutters by warping them out of shape, weighing them down and even breaking them off the roof. They can also damage the roof, leading to cracks and fissures which water gets into and then destroys the wood in the roof.


    • Solar panels properly placed can eliminate ice dams and snow buildup in the winter. All solar panels are capable of warming up once a little sunlight hits them during winter and gradually melting ice. It's a slow process and may take up to a day to make the snow go away, but once warmed, the panels keep the ice dams from developing.


    • Any roof solar panel will melt snow slowly. All will heat snow a little faster if you clear off part of the snow with a snow rake so sunlight can reach the panel directly. Solar hot water panels and tubes contain copper which absorbs heat fast and melts snow and ice quickly.